Thursday, December 5, 2013

New Vacuum!

Alright well here is another week in the life of a Funk:
It was moving week. Seriously. I think that just about everyone decided that they needed to move this week. We ended our P day a little bit early at like 5 or so and went to help Brother Viens move a whole bunch of stuff. It was so much.. He had a house hold of stuff in a two bedroom apartment. So we loaded it up into the trailer and it took pretty much the entire night. The next morning he picked us up and again we loaded all morning. What was really nice is that he bought us Subway and he had basically no money. He is such a good guy. They only thing is that he is a Red Sox fan and so I have been working on saving his soul. Love the guy though.

Elder Hackworth wanted to me to do a call out to all those that may be reading this. He needs some of those women folk to write him... SO if you read this. and you fit in that category... Write him. Now. Just do it. You can send them to my address and I will hand deliver them with a hug and a brotherly kiss. Just like the apostle Paul taught. On a side note. You could also write me.. Either way. We appreciate letters.

So Tuesday... I finally got to go to the temple! It was so great. I decided to go to the 4 o clock session so that it would take up the least amount of prime time as possible right? Well it just so happened that President Slaughter was taking all of the missionaries that were going home the next day, through at the exact same time. So.. Temple Crashers Funk addition.. Yeah... That was awkward, people were asking if we were excited to go home assuming that we were with them.. We played it off pretty good. I just felt bad for them. They were all bawling in the Celestial room and I was like a kid in a candy store.

Thanksgiving was super sweet! We went over to the Rohrer's house for dinner. They had a bunch of family over and so that was pretty fun. I pounded down like two plates of food, Elder Le Sueur wanted to go to Ihop before we went over there and so he didn't even finish one and told the members that he went to IHop. I don't think they liked that. Whatever I guess. Transfer meeting was pretty cool Elder Jones, (Eric) got shipped back down to the border. I think that he is training down there and Elder Hughes and Low are both up in Austin somewhere, They are both Senior comps. I love those guys. Elder Hughes called me and we had a solid conversation about the good ole' days in the UC. Anyway back to the dinner. It was good then we played this game called compatibility. I owned. Le Sueur and I partnered up first and then I was with Simion the rohrers 13 year old son. It was sweet. I totally owned both times. Then we played some Apples to Apples. That was pretty fun too. I didn't win though..

The rest of the week was just a blur! We got to help with another move that was the day after thanksgiving. I was so tired.. We moved and moved.. Then when it got done they gave us and Brother Vien's 40 bucks to go and get some food. We went to taco Cabana and got some fajita's's. super terrible. We wasted our money. But that was cool because we had some pizza and wings for dinner. Clearly I have been eating healthy already. I was bummed about the money though...

Oh! We had another move this week. This was the bad. So we were helping this guy that is in the Army he has super bad PTSD and so he doesn't come to church. Really a fantastic guy though. He wanted to move his 800 pound gun safe into his new house.. That's great. It took like 45 minutes for us to slid this safe only to find out that it is the exact same size as the door jam of the closet. I was the smallest person there so guess where my spot was? You guessed it.. Pulling on the inside of the closet. Luckily we got the gun safe about half way in before it got stuck. I was trapped in there for an hour while they tried to shove it in. Yep. It didn't go. We destroyed the Door jam and evetually after 2 hours it finally went in. It was pretty frustrating. His wife wasn't pleased, but hey. we got it done.

Oh so I got a call out during Fast Sunday. Kyle walked in (He is 22 just got married and is going to BYU I) and was like Funk! you didn't get transferred?! I was like "Nope!" But then he got up and bore his testimony later and said something to the effect of "Man I walked in today and saw Elder Funk and was so surprised! He said that he was going on 7 and half months here and I just had to tell him to Hang in there! I remember on my mission when I was somewhere for 5.. Boy was that rough.. " It was pretty funny.. Kinda made me look like I didn't want to be here, but I totally love Kyle. He leaves like next week though for BYU I. So does Jordan one of my good friends.

We got Vacuum. Yep. I was super pumped. (no pun intended) Ya never know how much a blessing that is until you don't have it. I LOVE to vacuum.

Blessings come large and small I think that is what I learned this week. Is that they come in many different ways. I didn't quite tell the whole story at Brother Vien's so in case you were wondering what really happened at the move.. Here ya go.

So we showed up the move and got inside to wait for some more people, they didn't come. Then when were about to get started, the heavens decided that it was time for rain to come! Brother Viens was pretty down, but he had to get his stuff out. I walked out to the edge of the Truck and by myself asked Heavenly Father if he would let the rain stop for a while so that we could move Brother Viens. It didn't stop. So I decided that I would has one more time. After I lifted my head up all the rain stopped right there. We moved the rest of the night. I was so, so grateful that Heavenly Father answered a prayer, because we really needed it.

I am so grateful for the scriptures, I get to study them everyday and I love it. I am nearly done with the Book of Mormon again for the third time and it's neat because I know that when I start it again next week it will have been "re written" for my new situation. It's amazing that if you read everyday, something always pops out for what you need. There hasn't been a day that has gone by where it hasn't given me new knowledge of what I needed.

The greatest blessing of the week though came when we went to gospel principles. The teacher was late and I was not wanting to get up another unprepared lesson so Nathan the kid we just got to baptize jumped up there and started talking away. He wanted to talk about how we felt the holy spirit. He ended up teaching the entire lesson. It was alot of story telling from everyone. As he was teaching I thought, this is what Christ was like sitting in the temple as a kid. He was so young, kinda like how Nathan is young in the gospel, but he knew so much. It's funny how such a simple thing can make a week go by so much better.

So now it is probably going to be another hard week, but I get to figure some more stuff out! Read a little deeper, grow a little stronger, learn a lot more. I wouldn't trade my mission for anything in the world. It is great. I love lessons that I learn.

Remember who you are and what He stands for!

Elder Paul Funk

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